
4.5 ( 9635 ratings )
Sociala nätverk Livsstil
Utvecklare: ShenZhen WuChuBuZai Tehcnology Ltd

kwobie is a free social discovery app that easily connects you with activities and people around you. It’s the only specialized app that provides fun local activities while empowering you to meet those nearby without providing your real location or identity. We are the only company globally offering Tru.ID to help protect everyone while building trust. We safely bridge online with offline for you…

Why use kwobie?
• LOCAL ACTIVITIES: Never be bored again! Post an activity in your area or find one you like to "Make it Happen", and "it" can be anything you want!
• MEET NEW PEOPLE: Visual lifestyles and profiles to keep things fun and simple. Swipe to show interest or anonymously reject...
• Tru.ID: The only company globally protecting user’s with Tru.ID! Protecting your identity while bridging trust via Tru.Score...
• VQUIZ: Simple and fun visual questionnaire to help others learn about your lifestyle and what you like – after all “a picture is worth a thousand words” :-)
• SAVE TIME: Stop wasting time searching. Let people find you through an activity that you will both enjoy!
• REPRESENT: Be an advocate for your city! Everyone has experienced a fun activity or has dreamed of one. When posting activities you empower the world with ideas!
• IM + AUDIO MESSAGING: Send text and voice messages for free.

About us
Wuchubuzai Limited provides the global platform with the brands of kwobie (outside China) and wuchubuzai (China). The company’s goal is to deliver the safest, easiest, and most fun social discovery platform on the planet. Their mission is to get you offline and "Make it Happen", and "it" can be anything you want! The team wants to help everyone get offline and this is why it created a global platform that focuses on connecting people everywhere to offline activities safely. Fostering trust online is the catalyst to getting users offline. By rewarding users that verify their identity and build their reputation score everyone wins. Nothing is more important to them then making sure every user can have fun and enjoy new experiences while feeling secure.